Sunday, April 25, 2010

Celebrating Greatness

This week I unexpectedly celebrated my 50-people challenge. I don't think I've actually celebrated my accomplishment of that challenge before that. Many of the people in my 50's were there at the Holistic Living Expo yesterday and Seeing people responding and interacting with each other about that challenge in front of the 50-people poster really drive it home for me and hearing myself telling the story behind the challenge out loud, it suddenly came into focus for me right then and there - that greatness in me that I didn't see, all that evidence and now I finally SEE! I am so excited, this is totally in alignment with using my new eyes to find the simple greatness in me! And a few people even said that they are inspired - how I challenged myself in the last 100 days of the year, and how I kept going even when I missed that 100-day mark. I truly felt I was living my purpose and that makes me super happy. I just realized, celebrating my greatness is an important component in continuing to live my divine purpose.

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