Life can be EASY, too! (If I ALLOW it)
I AM so very HAPPY. Utterly and genuinely.
Last week while compiling my list of accomplishment for the year of 2011, it dawn on me that among my biggest accomplishments is my doing it without my "traditional" struggle!
You see, I used to love struggle. I bought in to the idea that "life is full of struggles", that "nothing worthwhile is gained without struggle", and something about how "struggles help builds one's character" (吃得苦中苦,方为人上人) That has been my mode of operation for all my life until a year ago when I started to realize that all those are not facts, they are just an idea. A limiting belief. And I COULD change that. It was a little challenging at first, because it has been ingrained in my being. I kept at it. Whenever I catch myself lapsing into my old "struggle" way, I would consciously shift out of it.
Also, instead of my usual way of working hard chasing after a goal, I started practicing the concept of allowing the goal to come towards me with ease and joy. This shift from focusing my energy and effort doing external physical stuff to working on my own inner stuff has made all the difference in transforming my experience in both personal and business accomplishments. I still need to do the external physical activities associated with each goal; I still have to ask for the business, close a sale, connect with people, and so on. The different is that it is now SO EASY and EFFORTLESSLY! And money comes to me regularly, I get checks in the mail frequently! And yes, plenty of gratitude dance going around on my end, you bet!
And most of all, Life can be EASY, too! If I ALLOW it.
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