Jealousy Is A Good Thing!
Tracy was showing me some of the awesome shots he took during a hike last weekend, they are beautiful close-ups shots. And then there's one particular shot that I notice I have some weird reaction to, almost like acid burnt but only at the edge and it was quickly stamped out like it hasn't happened, except for the stench in the air that suggested something did happened. Since I was paying super attention that night, I decided to investigate. I was in the middle of a 2-day workshop on Transforming Relationship Dynamics and the homework that night was to pay attention to how I get triggered. What I uncovered was that I was jealous of Tracy! More specifically, I was VERY JEALOUS that he is able to capture a shot like that, that as in the type of shots I'm still working at mastering! The thought went "how dare he be better than me, I'm the pro here!!" Ridiculous as it is, that thought did cross my mind! Then when I allow myself to feel that jealousy it was gone in a flash! And something in me shifted. Suddenly I could see Tracy creating beautiful photo series from all the very impressive floral close-ups he's done over the past few hiking trips, and I was even contemplating the possibilities of having a join show with him! I shared that with him and soon we were discussing the technical aspect of using the camera in my kind of favorite language - the layman English! What do you know, jealousy can be a good thing when I am aware I am being judgmental about it. Realizing that feelings are not something to be "fixed" because they don't define who I am. Feelings are really just something to be experienced. The more I allow myself to have a friendly relationship with my feelings, especially the ones that I'm less comfortable with, the better it is to my overall well being.
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