Secret of The Phoenix Theory
I just took on a translation project to translate the content of a company's website from English to Chinese. The biggest challenge for me in my translation project was translating someone else's story. It was slow moving, my mind was slipping away, I wanted to go to sleep and forget about it. Instead I skipped over onto other less challenging parts. Finally I noticed avoiding it is draining more energy from me than if I were to do it.
Houston, we are way passed just-do-it, now entering NAIL-it-already! With that resolution I buckled down and refocus on the CEO's story. It was most difficult and the urge to run away from it kept coming up. I also knew that it is when I wanted to run away most that I needed to stay. I realized it was frustration that I was really wanting to avoid so I stopped running and just fully submerged myself and BE that frustration. I kept breathing into that and discovered that it felt just like the feeling of wanting to reach out for something yet at the same time trying to hold back. Very frustrating, very uncomfortable. It felt like a bunch of unsettled energy whirling inside me. Once I got that I imagined myself as a container for the unsettled energy to settle. The energy settled. Calm. Serenity. And guess what? I had a break through! I started to THINK of the CEO's story in Mandarin!
That was the turning point. It's like the phoenix story, mostly we heard of the action part and the result part: willingness to go into the flames and stay in it regardless the burning discomfort. From the ash the phoenix is reborn. What I just realized is that something else "up there" (in the head) needs to happen before one can understand and be inspired to take that action. That something is "Know thyself and be true to thyself". Two together is how the "rebirth of the phoenix" happens.
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