I'm POWERFUL Beyond Measure
Ever since I sensed this presence of a Giant within me more than a decade ago, I have been on a quest to unlock it. Then I spent many more years working at stepping into it. Now I finally got it, to step into my power I have to OWN it.
I've been treating it like there is some sort of rite of passage that I needed to go through in order to step into my power, and so I worked at it. Perhaps unconsciously I over-glorified it so when I accomplished it I would prove to myself just how impressive my effort had been.
In a recent awakening I come to realize I'm so much more powerful than I thought I am. I'm not talking about my potential, but of what I'm truly capable of that is in my natural ability. Ability that comes from the heart, which differs from that which is recognized by my mind. My mind has perceived image of who I am along with what I'm capable of. But every so often I would do something that I would afterward be so surprised that I actually did it. Like in, where did THAT come from? Indeed, where did that come from?
It came from a place outside of my mental knowing yet within my inner knowing. Owning my power means consciously acknowledging my abilities especially those that I thought was beyond my comprehension. I didn't have to know how I did it, just that I could do it. Without repeated evidence. Without validation from people around me. For example, I heal with my words and kindness, I teach with my learning and realizations, I lead with my passion and my charisma. These are all as real as I seeing with my heart. Now on, no more playing small, I AM all the above. And through me owning my power, I also indirectly give other people permission to do the same.