Saturday, July 7, 2007

Shift Into My Power

I have been listening to Rhonda Byrne explaining the Law of Attraction in her audiobook The Secret when my latest realization hit me. I AM already masterful at manifesting, look at everything in my reality, they were all initially just . a . thought. Regardless of whether I was conscious or unconscious of it! So the question is not “why am I not there yet” but “what do I have to do to be masterful at INTENTIONAL manifestation”. Once I am clear on the question, the answer came - expand my awareness of my thoughts and its process. When I master my thoughts, I would also have taken command of the deliberate creation of my reality. After all, every single thought IS a creation.

From there came my next realization - there is no time delay between the “thinking” and the “existing”! As soon as I think it, it already exists, just “invisible” that’s all. Then there is no question of “is it happening yet” because time is all relative; there is no “now” or “later” in the Universe; everything exists at the same time in the Universe. Therefore if what I desired is not yet visible, after I’ve deliberately thought (created) about it, logically speaking the blockage has to be ME. How am I blocking it from coming into the visible? In another word, how am I contradicting my own thoughts? Did I think one thing but believe another? Do my actions reflect a deeper underlying thought that contradicts my conscious thought?

Ever since I become aware of my subconscious dominant mindset being that of “not-enough” (scarcity), I have been working on deliberately shifting it to that of “abundance”. Now that I know thoughts are creations, then how come I’m not experiencing abundance everywhere in my daily life even though I’ve been thinking abundance? The conclusion - "I" am not in alignment with my thoughts. That would be what’s blocking the abundance from flowing into my life.

As I started examining my everyday life I was shocked by the extend of my actions contradicting my thoughts of abundance! I’ve come to notice that my enjoyment level drops as I get near to the end of stuff, from the ice cream in the container, body lotion in the bottle, color stickies on my post-it pads to my favorite workout pants wearing out at the seams. As if I’m stepping down on the brakes so that I won’t hit the wall at the end . . . I should slow down my enjoyment because if I finished it, there would be no more, therefore I need to stretch it out. This is blatantly a “not enough” type of thinking!

How can abundance manifest in my life if my action contracdicts my thoughts? And so, I started deliberately changing my action whenever I become aware of myself slowing down near the ending of things. I deliberately tell myself to go ahead, pull out all the stops, enjoy it to the very last bit! Finish that last serving of ice cream, so we could get more! Stop cutting up the tube to scrape out the last bit of cleanser, replace it with the new tube right now. If it takes 6 drops of Rosemary essential oil to enjoy a nice aromatheraphy hot shower, don’t skim it down to 3 drops or worse, deny myself that entire luxury just because the essential oil is nearing the bottom of the bottle. What am I doing? Trying to complicate a simple pleasure? Just as insane is the whole behavior of avoiding wearing my favorite workout pants just so that it would stay "safe" in my closet without a hole in the seams! What sort of askew logic is that?! Go put in a reorder for the essential oils, keep the simple luxuries in my life flowing! Throw away the worn out pants, make room for a new pair :0)

To experience abundance now, start LIVING ABUNDANCE NOW.

From mastering manifestation to mastering intentional manifestation.
From asking outward to asking inward

(“why is it not happening yet” to “how am I blocking it from happening”).
From thinking abundance to living abundance.

All it takes is a SHIFT of focus to produce phenominal outcome.

That, is aonther power we all have, besides our power to create.

I finally, FINALLY come to realize that my true power is in the AWARENESS of that power and in HOLDING it in my CONSCIOUSNESS.

In essence, I am truly POWER-FULL.

Rev. Michael Beckwith further explaining The Secret and Faith:

and Thoughts and the the Law of Attraction