Friday, February 26, 2010

Fear of Height vs. Fear of Falling

Just lived yet another one of my big dreams - went sky diving last week. Yes, sky diving, me who's scared of height. I screamed like a girl after falling out of the plane!

This is the crazy part - I find myself entertaining the thought of doing more jumps. Not just doing it one more time, but getting good at it as in becoming a certified skydiver. I thought the massive amount of adrenaline rush must have caused temporary brain damage. But it’s been a week and the thought is still there and doesn’t look like it’s going away . . .

Guess what else I realized? I've got it wrong all along. I am not afraid of height! It was the fear of falling that has me freeze up when I’m in a very height place. I was standing at the door of the airplane, 15,000 feet above ground and I wasn't frazzled. I think that is one of the whys behind the attraction of becoming a certified jumper. Not so much to eliminate the fear, that would not be realistic, but to practice surrendering the resistance and embracing the fall.